Facts And Myths About Hangover

After drinking alcoholic beverages people will feel drunk and unconscious. Some people even feel pain after getting drunk. Here are some myths about drinking and its facts.


Reporting from WebMD, the following eight myths and facts about drunk

1. Myth: Drinking is not a big problem
Facts: Drunk is the reaction of the body due to too much alcohol poisoning. People who drink alcohol to excess will experience central nervous system disorders. This is not a trivial thing, because it can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and dehydration. In addition, the after effects will arise alcohol missing severe headache, fatigue, mouth numbness, stomach cramps and weakened immune systems. -->

2. Myth: Drunk 'blind' gender
Fact: Who says drunk 'blind' Gander? With the same drink, women are more likely to give negative impact of alcohol than men. This is because men have more water content in the body than women, which can help dilute the alcohol they drink. In women, the same amount, more alcohol is formed in the bloodstream.

3. Myth: Drinking only happens if you drink lots of alcohol
Fact: It is true that drinking lots of alcohol can cause drunkenness, but it also depends on body composition. In some people, just drink a glass of alcohol alone can trigger headaches and other hangover symptoms.

4. Myth: Wine is the lightest alcohol
Fact: Red wine contains tannins, are compounds known to trigger headaches in some people. Drinks such like whiskey is also likely to cause more severe hangover. Wine even harder than vodka and gin.

5. Myth: Diet cocktail is a safe bet
Fact: Diet drinks may be helpful if you want to reduce calories, but it will not help to avoid a hangover. Research shows that consumption of fruits, fruit juices or liquids that contain sugar can reduce the intensity of drinking alcoholic beverages.

6. Myth: Eating before bed can reduce hangover effects
Fact: This is one of two false suppositions. First, eat before bed (after drinking alcohol) will not help reduce the effects of drunkenness. Second, although food can slow the body's absorption of alcohol, but eating before sleep could actually worsen the condition of your body.

7. Myth: Alcohol helps you to sleep better
Fact: Rather than help to sleep better, alcohol can actually disrupt sleep. At first, alcohol may help people fall asleep faster, but alcohol makes the body unable to reach REM sleep cycle (sleep in) and make people wake up faster because of the impact of illness after drinking.

8. Myth: Drinking coffee could help reduce the effects of hangover


Fact: Coffee can cause dehydration and can make the hangover worse. Avoid caffeinated beverages and energy drink after you have drunk. Water is the best drink to replace electrolytes lost body, especially if you experience vomiting when drunk.

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